Having a good portrait painted is labour-intensive. The size and number of people are partly decisive. Objects, a complex background or special clothing are also influential.
The prices below are therefore 'from' prices based on one human or animal portrait on a simple, plain background. For each additional person or animal, a 30% surcharge applies.
3,9 x 5,9
5,9 x 7,9
7,9 x 11,8
11,8 x 15,8
15,8 x 23,6
23,6 x 31,5
31,5 x 47,2
Prices from
(incl. VAT NL only)
€ 886
€ 1.240
€ 1.771
€ 2.480
€ 3.543
€ 4.960
€ 7.085
Photo shoot
It is possible to have a painting made based on an existing photo. But it is usually advisable to have a new photo taken during the introduction. It improves the portrait partly because the composition, lighting and appearance can be optimally explored and captured.
The cost for the photo shoot is 490 euros including travel expenses.
A quality basic frame with natural wooden veneer starts at around 5-10% of the cost price of the painting.
Home delivery
To have the work delivered to your home, travel expenses are charged at € 50 per hour of travel and € 0.23 p/km or the costs for a courier or shipping company.
50% in advance and 50% on completion.
Want to know more about the working method?
Read more here.
Or contact us directly.